Watch Fly Like a Bumblebee (2016) Movie Free Online
In 1930's USA, a young boy (Roert Klamm) discovers that he can hardly see due to a genetic defect. After years of ridicule and fear because of his lack of vision, young Bobby Bill, as he was known, discovers a magical world which he is determined to master. Against his father's approval, Bobby Bill studies magic under Harry Otto, a professional magician and owner of the magic shoppe that young Klamm stumbled upon in his youth. Bobby Bill becomes a performer, despite the continued turmoil it causes himself and his father, Clarence. How can a nearly blind boy become a nearly blind and successful magician? Wait and see..

- Director: Phil Klein
- Genre: Drama
- Writers: Phil Klein, Daniel Polsfuss
- Release Date: May 01, 2016
- Language: English
- Country: USA
- Production Co: Limelight Cinema Group
- Filming Locations: Kansas, USA
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